Why train with Mizan?

Mizan practitioner training, learning the Mizan techniques


Mizan practitioner training, morning circleWe know that when it comes to training in womb work, you have a choice of courses. There are the already established Maya Massage and Fertility Massage, and no doubt more courses will become available.

So why choose Mizan?

Well, I believe that we are the best! But then I’m biased…..

  • Bushra has over 20 years of experience in womb massage, making her one of the most experienced womb healers in the UK
  • Bushra originally trained with Rosita Arvigo before incorporating other techniques to produce the fusion which is Mizan
  • Mizan Therapy has been around for 15 years
  • Mizan Practitioner Training is now in its tenth year
  • All Practitioner Trainings are facilitated by Bushra with the help of assistants who are Advanced Mizan Practitioners that have completed the intensive 13 Moons training
  • We have a proven track record of guiding participants successfully through the training
  • Self care is built into the course: we start each morning in circle to check in, guided self massage and visualisation
  • We provide mentoring and support following training
  • Monthly Zoom calls for all practitioners
  • Private Facebook page to share experiences
  • Further training is available, from short workshops, one and two-day courses to 13 Moons which is a year long journey
  • Mizan training courses are for women only
  • We also have separate courses to train male practitioners to work with men on their reproductive health.

Mizan Practitioner Trainings are intimate affairs. We keep the numbers low to enable you to really get to know each other. You will arrive as strangers and leave as family.

Wherever the training and whatever the venue, you will be provided with delicious, fresh, home-cooked food. Just think, a whole week of not having to plan your meals, cook or wash up. A treat in itself.

To ensure that you get plenty of attention, there is always a high trainer to student ratio; either 1:4 or, more often, 1:3. Because the training assistants have attended the 13 Mizan Moons and Mizan Advanced, they are very experienced and have the knowledge to answer questions during the course and share their knowledge with you.

We start each day with a visualisation written by Bushra and self massage. Sitting in circle at the beginning of the day gives us an opportunity to check in with ourselves and each other. Self care is an important part of Mizan training – if you don’t know how to care for yourself, how will you manage to care for others. We need to model what we are transmitting. In other words, Mizanis don’t only talk the talk, we also walk the walk.

Mizan practitioner training guidance on techniquesYou will be provided with an extensively researched manual of over 150 pages, plus there is extensive post-course support in the form of mentoring, Zoom calls for your group, and monthly Zoom calls for all practitioners who want to attend. This gives you ample opportunity to ask the questions that only arise after you start treating clients, get the support of Bushra and other trainers as well as your Mizan family, and meet other Mizanis, experienced, less so, geographically close or far. We also have a forum and a Facebook group.

Come and join us and find out for yourself. https://www.mizantherapy.com/book-a-course-workshop-or-retreat/